The Otolith Group was founded by the artists, curators and theorists Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun in London in 2002.

They work by seeing and listening across media, opening up human and non-human life to an aesthetics of intertemporality and interscalarity.

Working towards a poethics of thickening time to propose the human and the biotic world sensible, audible and visible.

Since 2002 The Otolith Group have observed a research based methodology that studies events, archives, movements, compositions, materials, performances, vocalities, and space-time in sound and in moving and non-moving images within the context of an age dominated by technocapture.

The name 'Otolith' originates from an early art work from where the video titled 'Otolith (2003)' emerged. This work involved an in-depth encounter with Zero Gravity at the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City near Moscow and provided them with a conceptual and scientific thought-form that could help metabolize spheres of reality that constitute physical and metaphysical / human and non human life.

For TOG the calcium carbonate microcrystals of the otolith within the inner ear operate as a kind of black box or a memory recorder or as agravic sensors that supports withholding intention, gauging impact, measuring expectation and calculating discrepancy.

The Otolith Group's work has been exhibited internationally and this site is an archive of their past, current and future work.