• Video Installation
  • London
  • 2024

MASCON - A Massive Concentration of Black Experiential Energy

Think of Mascon: A Massive Concentration Of Black Experiential Energy as an audiovisual investigation into the gestures, geometries, grammars and geographies that compose the forms and the forces of the films of Ousmane Sembene and Djibril Diop Mambety from 1963 to 2004.

As an audiovisual mosaic of still moving images and sounds adapted from the frames of the narratives of Mambety and Sembene in order to circulate in a migratory orbit that summons the borderless imagination of the cine-Sahel. As morphologies that amplify the Sembenean and Mambetyan motifs of Cinemafricana until they assail the imagination with the expansive deformation, centrifugal contraction, compacted compression and amassed concentration that Stephen Henderson calls ‘Mascon’ or ‘black experiential energy’.

35.34 mins, HD video, colour, sound

Photo by Bob. (Robert Chase Heishman) ©TheOtolithGroup(2024) Thanks to Neubauer Collegium
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Commissioned by Dieter Roelstraete at the Neubauer Collegium