Inner Time of Television (2010) is a collaborative project between The Otolith Group and French film-maker Chris Marker that reconfigures L' heritage de la chouette or The Owl's Legacy, Marker's 1989 thirteen-part television series on Ancient Greek culture, as an installation with accompanying artists book. The Owl's Legacy explores the legacies and potentials of Ancient Greece through a continuous modulating organisation of videographic imagery, voiceover commentary and studio interviews with classicists, filmmakers, dramatists, composers and philosophers amongst others. All thirteen episodes of The Owl's Legacy are given simultaneous spatial presence within the gallery, allowing the opportunity to take in the series as a whole, as well as to view the programmes individually. Inner Time of Television thereby displaces the serial logic of the television documentary and suggests that the context for an encounter with moving-image work that defies the conventions of television making has largely shifted to the forum of art.